SAIC McCool Inauguration Press Conference RECAP

The upcoming inauguration will mark an unprecedented third National Special Security Event in a 14-day span. The NSSE designation allows the federal government, along with our state and local partners, to use a full complement of resources to implement a comprehensive security plan. The Secret Service authors this security plan and coordinates assets with many public safety partners.
The majority of NSSEs are held in or around Washington, D.C., meaning all responsible parties know what needs to happen. Regular training, constant communication, and the frequency of these events put us in a position to succeed.
Thousands of special guests and dignitaries, hundreds of thousands of ticketed attendees on the Capitol grounds and the public gathering at the nearby National Mall will watch the peaceful transition of power. All attendees will undergo screening.
Designated checkpoints will be set up for members of the public interested in attending the inauguration. A map of the perimeter, showing the locations of all checkpoints, will be available online at The website will also provide information about parking, road closures, and other impacts.
The Secret Service will bring in agents and other specialists from field offices across the country to provide a full slate of visible and invisible security measures. We work side-by-side with our partners throughout this process. Everyone plays an equal part.
This busy period of NSSEs also coincided with several notable winter weather events. The resolve of the Secret Service and our partners has never been stronger. An all-star team is working to keep everyone safe while minimizing disruptions to the public as much as possible.
Full Press Conference Link: